Jay Webb
Co-Founder & CEO
Jonathan Toler
Co-Founder & COO
Where It All Started
One day one of our neighbors was walking by while we were playing basketball in the driveway. She mentioned, half-jokingly, that she wanted to pay my daughter to teach one of her kids how to play basketball. We laughed it off and didn’t think much of it, but also couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Then we started thinking. What if our kids really did teach other kids in the neighborhood how to play basketball? Afterall, kids run lemonade stands, kids babysit other kids, and kids tutor other kids. So, why can't kids coach other kids?
We thought it would be a great idea, but we weren't quite sure how to make it easy for parents with small kids to find local student-athletes who were available for private coaching. Then one day, it hit us. If we took the same concept Airbnb and Uber use to connect homeowners and drivers with people who want to rent homes and need rides, respectively, we could make it work. And that's how Kids Coach Kids was born.
Local student-coaches can post the sports they want to coach along with their availability, and parents of younger kids can use the platform to find coaches suitable and available to coach their kids. When a parent finds a local student-athlete to coach their kid, they can book a coaching session and pay for it all through the platform. It’s that simple!
So, if you’re looking for a great way to get your kids off their screens and outside with other kids from your neighborhood and city, Kids Coach Kids is the answer!
Funding For Your Local Youth Sports
Keep the youth sports culture in your city/town strong. Every time you book a coaching session through Kids Coach Kids, a percentage of each transaction will be donated to your local recreation department. Youth sports are a great way to keep your kids active, healthy, and out of trouble, but they are a great way for parents to meet their neighbors and other people in their community. Your support for Kids Coach Kids will also show support for your community.